Мы привыкли видеть на экранах телевизоров певиц и актрис, которые строго следят за своей фигурой, регулярно посещают спортзал, сидят на ПП и изнуряют себя постоянными диетами. Ибо если наберешь лишний килограмм, сразу попадешь под раздачу нелестных комментариев в свой адрес со стороны придирчивых поклонников.
Эти ничего не пропустят! Но ведь что плохого в том, если бы та же Селена Гомес или Леди Гага стали пышками размера XXXL? Думаете у них бы не было возможности пробиться с такими формами к звездам? А вот креативный художник Джей Ти решил немного «преобразить» знаменитостей, добавив им лишних килограмм.Сегодня мы с ЕЩЕ покажем вам, как бы выглядели 10 звезд, если бы были толстушками
Тем самым художник решил доказать, что «красота бывает любого размера!» Эксперименту Джей Ти подверглись Селена Гомес, Пэрис Хилтон, Бейонсе, Ферги, Меган Фокс, Леди Гага, Памела Андерсон, Камерон Диаз и многие другие селебрити. Давайте же посмотрим вместе, что из этого вышло!
Камерон Диаз View this post on Instagram Amazingly talented dazzling Californian-kinda-girl Cameron Diaz! Slim version versus BBW version. Photoshop morph applied as a technique. The empirical proof that… Beauty comes in all sizes! Beautiful no matter weight or frame. #bbwlovers #fat #morphing #plussizebeauty #plussize #tallasgrandes #bodypositive #gorda #photoshop #celebratemysize #curvygirl #ssbbw #curvymodel #bodyconfidence #bopo #weight #actress #plussizeactress #beforeandafter #instaart #artoftheday #worldofartists #photomanipulation #fatshion #fatbabe #obese #bigandblunt #fatgirl #overweight #obesity @camerondiaz @cameron_diaz_p Original image is not of my authorship. The morphing is mine instead. This should be taken for an art experimental plan. No disrespect intended to the persons (real or fictional) on the picture.
A post shared by Jay Tee (@jaytee_fa_artist) on Feb 26, 2018 at 10:16am PST Лишние килограммы расплылись не только по лицу актрисы!…
Дженнифер Гарнер View this post on Instagram 'Sydney Bristow' from Alias, 'Elektra' from Daredevil, 13 going 30, The Invention of Lying and so much more Jennifer Garner catched in this candid photo, like if she wasn't famous really… What if the ex sweetheart of Ben Affleck were 134 going 450? Three hundred and sixteen pounds later we can witness a big star getting a lot bigger! Waddling in full grace, Miss Garner's never been so astonishing as now. Beauty comes in all sizes! #bbwlovers #fat #morphing #plussizebeauty #plussize #tallasgrandes #bodypositive #gorda #photoshop #celebratemysize #curvygirl #ssbbw #actress #bodyconfidence #bopo #weight #model #plussizemodel #beforeandafter #instaart #artoftheday #worldofartists #photomanipulation #fatshion #fatbabe #obese #bigandblunt #fatgirl #overweight #obesity @jennifer.garner Original image is not of my authorship. The morphing is mine instead. This should be taken for an art experimental plan. No disrespect intended to the persons (real or fictional) on the picture.
A post shared by Jay Tee (@jaytee_fa_artist) on Mar 17, 2018 at 12:01pm PDT Вот бы бывший актрисы Бен Аффлек увидел свою некогда возлюбленную в таком виде, что бы он ей сказал?
Кейт Миддлтон View this post on Instagram Royalty never looked so good! Princess Kate halfway to literally honor her name: Middleton. Only 500 pounds away from the-Middle-o-Ton mark. Some might want to change it to 'Quarterton' but I preffer to point out that fish-n'-chips is as British as the crown itself. Good save the Queen and feed the Princess properly! One thing is certain: she carries these 520 pounds quite stylishly and her royal beauty not only remains but was somehow enhanced by the extra avoirdupois! Also congratulations for the young mother! (Purely coincidential with this post) The technique is photoshop morph. Beauty comes in all sizes! @katemiddletonphotos @kensingtonroyal @hrhtheduchessofcambridge #bbwlovers #fat #morphing #plussizebeauty #plussize #tallasgrandes #bodypositive #gorda #photoshop #celebratemysize #curvygirl #ssbbw #princess #bodyconfidence #bopo #weight #royalty #katemiddleton #beforeandafter #instaart #artoftheday #worldofartists #photomanipulation #fatshion #fatbabe #obese #bigandblunt #fatgirl #overweight #obesity Original image is not of my authorship. The morphing is mine instead. This should be taken for an art experimental plan. No disrespect intended to the persons (real or fictional) on the picture.
A post shared by Jay Tee (@jaytee_fa_artist) on Apr 23, 2018 at 10:54am PDT Не оставил художник без внимания и представителей королевской семьи.
Хиллари Клинтон View this post on Instagram We already had the strong and fierce Sarah Palin, the Republican wonder woman, visiting the Morphin' Machine. Now -in the other extreme of the boxing ring- comes forward the formidable and relentless Hillary Diane Rodham Clinton! Some might say she couldn't have the political weight needed to take the Democrats to the victory. I'd say let's give the woman the weight she needs! The Morphin' Machine returns us a prodigious candidate full of potential, 470 pounds of determination and persistence all together in one body. The result kinda reminds me of Maggie De Block, popular Minister in Belgium, (Minister of Social Affaird and Health) another politician "of size". Beauty comes in all sizes! @hillaryclinton @maggiedeblock #bbwlovers #fat #morphing #plussizebeauty #plussize #tallasgrandes #bodypositive #gorda #photoshop #celebratemysize #curvygirl #ssbbw #curvymodel #bodyconfidence #bopo #weight #democrats #hillaryclinton #beforeandafter #instaart #artoftheday #worldofartists #photomanipulation #fatshion #fatbabe #obese #bigandblunt #fatgirl #overweight #obesity Original image is not of my authorship. The morphing is mine instead. This should be taken for an art experimental plan. No disrespect intended to the persons (real or fictional) on the pictures. Commissioned by anonymous commissioner.
A post shared by Jay Tee (@jaytee_fa_artist) on May 14, 2018 at 12:00pm PDT Политиков тоже зацепило!)))
Пэрис Хилтон View this post on Instagram #tbt❤️ to that time Paris Hilton went a few sizes up! The technique for this curious "before and after" is photoshop morph. And also the public is renewing itslef all the time! . Beauty comes in all sizes! @parishilton #bbwlovers #fat #morphing #plussizebeauty #plussize #tallasgrandes #bodypositive #gorda #photoshop #celebratemysize #curvygirl #ssbbw #curvymodel #bodyconfidence #bopo #weight #honormycurves #plussizemodel #beforeandafter #instaart #artoftheday #worldofartists #photomanipulation #fatshion #fatbabe #obese #bigandblunt #fatgirl #overweight Original image is not of my authorship. The morphing is mine instead. This should be taken for an art experimental plan. No disrespect intended to the persons (real or fictional) on the picture.
A post shared by Jay Tee (@jaytee_fa_artist) on Nov 1, 2018 at 10:57am PDT Интересно, много было бы у светской львицы Хилтон поклонников, если бы она была такой вот пышкой?
Памела Андерсон View this post on Instagram Classic Pam "Barb Wire" Anderson piece. Just one of the morphs you can find in the 20 pages long WG Photo-morph comic! Just follow the link in my bio to DeviantArt and search in the Morphs WG Stories folder. Beauty comes in all sizes! #BBW #fat #weightgain #morph #beauty #plussize #tallasplus #bodypositive #gorda #photoshop #celebratemysize #curvygirl #curvygoddess #curvy #beyondbeautystandards #pounds #pamelaanderson #barbwire #beforeandafter #instaart #artoftheday #fatacceptance #chubby #photomanipulation #actress #appreciatemycurves #obese #fatbelly #fatgirl #overweight @pamelaanderson Original image is not of my authorship. The morphing is mine instead. This should be taken for an art experimental plan. No disrespect intended to the persons (real or fictional) on the picture.
A post shared by Jay Tee (@jaytee_fa_artist) on Nov 29, 2017 at 5:05am PST В жутком сне не представишь красотку Памелу с такими внушительными формами.
Ева Лонгория View this post on Instagram What defines the beauty of a celebrity? The charm, the talent, …the size??? If Eva Longoria -a good example of a delightful star- were fat she’d cease to be beautiful? I personally don't think so. What do you think? Beauty comes in all sizes! #BBW #fat #weightgain #morph #beauty #plussize #tallasplus #bodypositive #gorda #photoshop #celebratemysize #curvygirl #curvygoddess #curvy #beyondbeautystandards #pounds #actress #plussizeactress #beforeandafter #instaart #artoftheday #fatacceptance #chubby #photomanipulation #tamanhosgrandes #appreciatemycurves #obese #fatbelly #fatgirl #overweight @evalongoria Original image is not of my authorship. The morphing is mine instead. This should be taken for an art experimental plan. No disrespect intended to the persons (real or fictional) on the picture.
A post shared by Jay Tee (@jaytee_fa_artist) on Jul 26, 2017 at 5:46am PDT Звездная худышка не перестанет блистать даже будучи в размере XXXL))
Меган Фокс View this post on Instagram Megan Fox vs. Megan 'Mega' Fox. Some would define her as the sexier woman on contemporary cinema… and that'll be true. Tripled Megan means three more times sexiness and appealing. Don't you agree? Beauty comes in all sizes! #BBW #fat #weightgain #morph #beauty #plussize #tallasplus #bodypositive #gorda #photoshop #celebratemysize #curvygirl #curvygoddess #curvy #beyondbeautystandards #pounds #model #plussizemodel #beforeandafter #instaart #artoftheday #fatacceptance #chubby #photomanipulation #tamanhosgrandes #appreciatemycurves #obese #fatbelly #fatgirl #overweight @the_native_tiger Original image is not of my authorship. The morphing is mine instead. This should be taken for an art experimental plan. No disrespect intended to the persons (real or fictional) on the picture.
A post shared by Jay Tee (@jaytee_fa_artist) on Jul 24, 2017 at 5:31am PDT Ох уж этот коварный взгляд!
Эмма Стоун View this post on Instagram Emma Stone, the actress and redhaired muse in a double feature: La La Land and La La Large. The diminute almost zero size Emma vs the ponderous four-sized Emma. Both intelligent, vigorous and real women. Which one you'd chose for your next movie? Not and inch less appealing, no matter how large. The technique is photoshop morph. Done with a lot of respect and care. Beauty comes in all sizes! #BBW #fat #weightgain #morph #beauty #plussize #tallasplus #bodypositive #gorda #photoshop #celebratemysize #curvygirl #curvygoddess #curvy #beyondbeautystandards #pounds #actress #fatactress #beforeandafter #instaart #artoftheday #fatacceptance #chubby #photomanipulation #tamanhosgrandes #appreciatemycurves #obese #fatbelly #fatgirl #overweight @emmastone_official_
A post shared by Jay Tee (@jaytee_fa_artist) on Jul 5, 2017 at 5:14am PDT Рыжеволосая бестия! Хороша чертовка, но только не в размере plus-size!
Бейонсе View this post on Instagram Beyonce, queen of all! Perfectly adapted to the curvier side by the photoshop technique called MORPH. Not an inch less flawless. Beauty comes in all sizes! #BBW #fat #weightgain #morph #beauty #plussize #tallasplus #bodypositive #gorda #photoshop #celebratemysize #curvygirl #curvygoddess #beyondbeautystandards #kilos #pounds #model #plussizemodel #beforeandafter @beyonce
A post shared by Jay Tee (@jaytee_fa_artist) on Jun 9, 2017 at 9:02am PDT Ах какие щечки! Ох какая грудь!
А что вы думаете насчет такого художественного эксперимента?
А также читайте статью Первый раз на красной дорожке: Что надели и как выглядели 15 знаменитостей на церемонии.
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